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2022 JZTG wish you Happy New Year

2022/01/01 15:04:42
2022 JZTG wish you Happy New Year
In the New Year, Golden Drilling ushers in a new chapter, on the basis of adhering to the spirit of struggle in the long river of time, Golden Drilling is about to march to the ultra high quality beyond customer expectations.
Looking back on the past, more than ten spring and autumn, along the way, passion and frustrations, happiness and sadness coexist. Today, we want to thanks to the past, thanks to the time, thanks to meet and know each other, thanks to work together countless days and nights, but also thanks to every customer, colleagues, friends’ trust. It is never the style of Golden Drilling to talk but not to practice. In order to live up to every trust, we solemnly promise that 2022 annuity Golden Drilling will march to the road of super high quality and give back to every customer with super good drilling buckets beyond customer expectations.

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